Cannabis/CBD General Counsel
The extraordinary growth of the lawful, commercial application of cannabis has yielded an expansive new industry in the United States already potentially exceeding $10 billion in value, with 300,000 employees in this space. Many jurisdictions regulate the use of cannabis for medical and recreational purposes. Businesses competing in the cannabis industry confront significant and complex issues relating to the federal and state laws and regulation of the production, sale, and use of cannabis-related products. This requires experienced, modern, and innovative legal counsel.
Limitless Investment & Capital offers legal and regulatory services to help companies of all types and sizes compete, survive and thrive in the emerging legal cannabis industry. We are dedicated to helping individuals, doctors, nurseries, and potential and existing businesses comply with and maneuver cannabis laws. It is our intent to utilize our attorneys’ services and experience in the traditional business setting, prior license applications in other legal cannabis states, and broad cannabis industry experience in order to assist in proper business planning, formation, and operation within the new legal confines of legalized cannabis.