6 Benefits of Outsourced Accounting for Small Businesses

Businesses are always under intense time and cost pressures. As a business owner, you’re always looking for ways to maximize your performance and production. Additionally. today’s small business owners are facing greater expectations when it comes to financial transparency and government compliance. All too often, businesses are juggling day-to-day responsibilities alongside more complex and time-consuming tasks such as finance, accounting, compliance, internal audit, and risk management. They are simply trying to do more with fewer resources.

Businesses both large and small are turning toward outsourcing as their preferred solution with accounting being of the primary outsourced tasks. In fact, many business owners are finding that outsourcing provides a unique opportunity to receive accounting support from talented professionals without the added overhead associated with in-house resources.

Finding the right partner for your small business accounting needs may seem like an extremely demanding task. For this reason, many businesses choose to just hire someone in-house. Although this may seem like the easier and more convenient option, your business may be losing out on some of the benefits of outsourced accounting services for small businesses. Evidently, what appears to be ‘convenient’ becomes a costly delusion.

1. Get Access to Expert Accounting Resources

This benefit is especially important for smaller businesses that lack the tools to properly run their own finance department. And in most cases, there isn’t anyone on your team that’s a master accountant.

By teaming up with an outsourced accounting firm, you can feel confident that only the most qualified individuals are handling your finances in an unbiased and objective manner. Services are often tailored and scalable to bring you the right expertise at the right time for greater flexibility across the board.

2. Save Money: Full-Time Salaries versus Monthly Fees

Most small business owners are looking for any solution that could help them reduce overhead and operating expenses. Outsourced accounting services for small businesses can be a clearcut way to do this.  When you outsource accounting services, you’re no longer paying employees for 40-hour work weeks and paying for exactly the time spent on managing your finances. Also, you have to factor in the cost of properly training an internal accounting department as well as any additional benefits the employee would receive.  And let’s not forget the expenses associated with accounting software, office supplies and hardware.


Accurate Financial Records- Schedule Your Business Accounting consult today!
Accurate financial statements are important to asses the financial health of your small business.

3. Reduce the Risk and Meet Compliance Requirements

There’s always the potential of financial mistakes, which come with negative (and costly) consequences. Likely, this is one of the top reasons you’re worried about hiring an outsourced accounting team for your small business. No one wants to land in hot water with the IRS and for good reason – they will penalize the heck out of your company.

Accounting experts are up-to-date on all the latest regulatory requirements. They are attuned to what is happening across the industry and carefully monitor relevant laws and regulations to stay current on processes. Outsourced accounting will conduct audits to make sure everything is running smoothly. This will save you time, money and headaches because accounting experts will take care of everything including your financial reporting.

4. Improve Productivity & Gain Valuable Time

Any business owner becomes frustrated when they realize they are spending too much time on the admin aspect of their business. When you outsource your accounting function, your team will have more time to focus on long-term and strategic growth for your company, communicate with clients and improve customer service, and research new profitable ventures. Additionally, accounting tasks are streamlined to produce higher quality results and frequently include powerful analytics to help you better understand budgeting concerns and business performance.

5. Peace of Mind your Finances Are in Order

As a business owner, you have to be confident in the decisions you make for the company.

It’s difficult to do this when you’re unsure of your financial standing and future. You can gain peace of mind in knowing that your accounting tasks are done properly by a qualified expert in the field. With outsourced accounting services, you are guaranteed accurate reports. There’s no threat of fraudulent activity and you can speak to a team of professionals to answer any questions you have. This is the top solution for companies of all sizes.

6. Automate and Go Green

By going paperless your small business has the ability to reduce wasted papers, space, and your carbon footprint. If you’re a company that takes pride in being eco-friendly, then this is another thing you can be proud of. Using outsourced accounting services means reducing the use of paper since everything is on software.

Limitless Investment and Capital’s Outsourced Accounting for Small Businesses

When businesses partner with Limitless Investment and Capital, they can significantly reduce the amount of time spent on day-to-day bookkeeping and accounting while utilizing real-time insight and strategic feedback to accelerate growth. Limitless Investment & Capital combines a team of experts, systematized processes and procedures, and the latest in accounting technology to ensure our clients receive the best service to support their unique business needs at an affordable rate. We don’t just handle your business accounting needs, we get it done right!