4 Money-Saving Reasons to Rely on a Full-Service Payroll Provider

A Full-Service Payroll Provider can save your small business time and money. It isn’t easy managing a business, and at some point, you or the CFO of the company needs to seriously consider where you can save money and improve operational efficiency with a full service payroll provider payroll.

Many businesses choose to manage their payroll operations and functions internally, spending time, money, and resources on manual bookkeeping, in-house bookkeeping, or complicated payroll software. The choice to keep payroll in-house is costing businesses across the nation upwards of $6 billion each year in IRS employer payroll penalties. What does this mean for you and your business? Outsourcing your payroll is a smart move to save money and time.

What is a Full-Service Payroll Provider?

Full-service payroll providers take all the frustrating tasks of payroll, including tax filing and year-end reports, off your hands. Finding a cheap payroll service can play a large role in improving your business’s financial position. In addition to assisting with basic payroll tasks, a cheap payroll service can help you to ensure that your business is remaining compliant with tax laws.

There are many benefits to a payroll service, lets’s take a further look benefits to hiring a full-service payroll service for your business.

4 Reasons to Turn To a Full-Service Payroll Provider

Reason #1 – Reduce Your Company’s Operating Costs

At Limitless Investment & Capital, we understand if you want to keep payroll in-house. You have more control, and you can manage the process. But do you know how much it’s costing you to pay for a payroll department? As your business grows, you will need to hire and train a payroll department, which can be extremely expensive for your company. And, if your payroll department does not keep up with operations and laws, rules, and regulations, it could cost you even more in penalties from the IRS.

We are a full-service payroll provider for small businesses, helping save money, time, and the headaches of penalties.

Reason #2 – Double-Down on Your Business Focus

You’re growing a business. You need to be focused on where the business is going, not how people are getting paid. You’ve heard the phrase before, but it’s imperative as a business owner to delegate responsibilities. Most owners plan on doing just that, but as the business grows, the payroll records and intricacies grow deeper, which creates resistance in passing it off to a business solutions company that offers payroll services.

You divert talent and skill away from the main business focus when you keep payroll in-house.

Reason #3 – Save Money on Payroll Compliance

One of the biggest reasons the IRS issued upwards of $6 billion in penalties in the 2016 fiscal year was due to non-compliance as it related to employer payroll obligations. If you do not want to be one of the companies that owe penalties to the IRS, it’s time to outsource your payroll and trust a company that offers excellent payroll services to fit your needs.

You save money with a  full-service payroll provider.

Reason #4 – Secure Employee Data and Information

Processing payroll data and information is a risky task. Identity theft and embezzlement are some common occurrences for in-house payroll departments. You have to ask yourself: how safe is the payroll data being processed through your payroll software right now? The cost of a lawsuit or potential breach is astronomical compared to outsourcing your payroll with the guarantee that you will have a clean, smooth payroll operation process.

You protect your employees’ personal data and information when you outsource payroll operations.

What Should I Look For in a Full-Service Payroll Provider?

When looking for a full-service payroll provider for your small business, it is important to find one that will help you reach your business’s goals. There are many types of full-service payroll providers, but only one right fit for your business. Here are some things to consider while looking for in a full-service payroll provider:

  • Product Features: It is important to ensure that your payroll service is able to support your business. Make sure the features offered are able to meet your business’s needs.
  • Stellar Reputation: When it comes to finding services for your business, reputation can be everything. It is important to do your research before hiring a payroll provider for your business.
  • Industry-Experience: Something to look for is whether or not your provider has experience in your business sector. This can be a major benefit, as it will allow for your payroll provider to have a better understanding of your business’s operations.
  • Customer Support: Payroll services can be complicated. Make sure that the service you choose has a customer support system to help you with any problems that you may face.

Limitless Investment & Capital Full-Service Payroll Provider in Arizona.

As you grow your business, consider the money, time, and sanity you can save when you outsource your payroll operations. Limitless Investment & Capital is here to help you analyze your internal control processes and assess the quality and effectiveness of your operations, offering payroll services that save you money and time.

Contact us today for an internal audit and free consultation!