1. Do You Understand Payroll Taxes for Your Small Business

    Do You Understand Payroll Taxes for Your Small Business?

    A small business owner only has so much time to do tasks for your business. Once your business hits a certain point of growth, you will have to add more employees and add them onto your payroll. More employees should result in further growth for your business since more hands on deck means more work…Read More

  2. Small Business Tax Preparation Tips for 2019

    Small business taxes can be complicated, especially if the business owner lacks knowledge of small business tax obligations. There is a lot of paperwork involved and the cost of mistakes can be high if you pay less than you owe and become subject to penalties and an audit. Small business owners shou…Read More

  3. 5 Bookkeeping Red Flags for Small Business Owners

    5 Bookkeeping Red Flags for Small Business Owners

    A small business’s financials are crucial in assessing the health of a company. As the old adage says, “numbers don’t lie.” Numbers can indicate success or failure in a company, and they can certainly indicate the first signs of trouble within a company. As a small business owner if you do n…Read More

  4. Small Business Bookkeeping Tips and Tricks to Ensure Success

    Small Business Bookkeeping Tips and Tricks to Ensure Success

    Are you running your own business? You may be one of the small business owners that love going over your books to ensure financial stability in your business, or you may be an owner that does not totally understand how it works. Either way, one of the most vital things for a small business is sound …Read More

  5. Tax Planning: A Year-Long Effort for Small Businesses

    Tax Planning: A Year-Long Effort for Small Businesses

    The April 15 tax deadline recently passed with relief to many Americans around the world as they had successfully completed their 2018 tax returns. Although tax season is technically over, tax planning for small businesses is a year-long effort. The sooner you start and plan your taxes, the bigger i…Read More

  6. Determining Taxable Income for Your Small Business

    Determining Taxable Income for Your Small Business

    When tax season rolls around most small business owners feel uneasy about their tax preparation. Figuring your business taxes yourself may seem scary, but it's usually doable. If you keep records of your income and expenses throughout the year, you use them to figure your net taxable income. What is…Read More

  7. Why the IRS Prefers You E-File Your Tax Returns

    Why the IRS Prefers You E-File Your Tax Returns

    As tax season rolls around each year most Americans dread the tax preparation and assistance process. Advancements in technology have allowed people to file and submit their taxes with the IRS in two different ways: by e-file or mailing it on paper. According to the IRS, 90% of Americans e-filed the…Read More

  8. How Your Business Structure May Affect Your Taxes

    How Your Business Structure May Affect Your Taxes

    There's nothing simple about starting and owning a business. If you’re a small-business owner, you’ve probably heard of the 2018 tax bill  known as the "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act." This bill has reformed corporate taxes in the United States, especially for small businesses, making this one of the b…Read More

  9. Tax Preparation & Assistance: Tips for the Self- Employed

    Tax Preparation & Assistance: Tips for the Self-Employed

    With self-employment comes freedom, responsibility, and a lot of expense. You take on risks and costs that you don’t have when you work for someone else. Having your own business definitely increases the amount of record-keeping you have to do for tax purposes. When you’re digging through boxes …Read More

  10. Is IRS Compliance Adding Stress To Your Small Business?

    Is IRS Compliance Adding Stress to Your Small Business?

    Small businesses are vital to the American economy. Despite how vital they are, it is not always easy for small businesses when it comes to tax compliance. According to IRS research, tax compliance burden increase with the size of business, however, it is far easier for large corporations to handle …Read More